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What are Dapper Cons?
<ul> <li><strong>Lack of Database Abstraction</strong>: Dapper provides less abstraction from the database compared to Entity Framework. Developers have to write raw SQL queries, which might not be ideal in scenarios where you'd prefer database-agnostic code.</li> <li><strong>No Change Tracking</strong>: Unlike Entity Framework, Dapper does not support change tracking. That means you'll have to manage updates to your entities manually and write explicit update statements.</li> <li><strong>Less Features</strong>: As a micro-ORM, Dapper is not as feature-rich as Entity Framework. It doesn't provide out-of-the-box features like lazy loading, change tracker, migrations, etc.</li> <li><strong>No LINQ Support for Queries</strong>: It does not support LINQ to build SQL queries. That can be a disadvantage if you prefer LINQ's strong typing over writing SQL strings.</li> <li><strong>More SQL Knowledge Required</strong>: Given that you'll be writing raw SQL queries, your team will need to be proficient in SQL, including understanding how to avoid <a href="https://www.learndapper.com/parameters#what-is-sql-injection">SQL Injection</a> attacks.</li> <li><strong>Database Schema Updates</strong>: Unlike Entity Framework, which can update the database schema through migrations, Dapper lacks this feature. That could be a disadvantage when business logic changes require database schema changes.</li> <li><strong>Lack of a Full Query Generator</strong>: Dapper does not have a full query generator, which could lead to writing more SQL for CRUD operations compared to Entity Framework.</li> </ul>
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