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What are Entity Framework Core Pros?
<ul> <li><strong>Database Agnostic</strong>: EF Core is database-agnostic, which means you can switch between different databases (like SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, etc.) without changing much of your code.</li> <li><strong>Fully Featured ORM</strong>: As a fully-featured ORM, EF Core provides out-of-the-box support for complex operations like lazy loading, change tracking, transactions, migrations, and identity management.</li> <li><strong>LINQ Support</strong>: EF Core supports Language Integrated Query (LINQ), allowing developers to write queries in C# instead of SQL, which results in more readable and maintainable code.</li> <li><strong>Model-First Development</strong>: EF Core supports model-first development, where you define your database structure using C# classes. That can help keep your database structure in sync with your code.</li> <li><strong>Change Tracking</strong>: EF Core automatically tracks changes made to your entities and can update the database accordingly, eliminating the need for explicit update statements.</li> <li><strong>Data Migration</strong>: EF Core includes robust support for migrations, allowing developers to handle database schema changes directly from the code.</li> <li><strong>Rich Querying Capabilities</strong>: EF Core supports complex querying, including filtering, sorting, grouping, joining, and eager loading, without needing to write complex SQL queries.</li> <li><strong>Concurrency Control</strong>: EF Core has built-in support for optimistic concurrency control, which helps resolve conflicts when multiple users update the same data simultaneously.</li> <li><strong>Unit Testing</strong>: EF Core makes it easier to write unit tests for your database code. You can create an in-memory database for your unit tests to interact with, ensuring tests run quickly without impacting your real database.</li> </ul>
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