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What are the cons of using unbuffered queries in Dapper?
<ul> <li><strong>Slower Access</strong>: Since data is loaded one row at a time, it may take longer to access all the data compared to a buffered query where all the data is loaded into memory at once.</li> <li><strong>Connection Duration</strong>: The connection to the database remains open until all data has been read, potentially keeping the connection open longer than with a buffered query, particularly with large result sets.</li> <li><strong>Complexity</strong>: Handling unbuffered queries can be slightly more complex than handling buffered queries, particularly in scenarios where you need to manage the open connection for a longer period.</li> <li><strong>Partial Data</strong>: If an error occurs midway through an unbuffered read, you may end up with only a portion of the expected data.</li> <li><strong>Memory Management</strong>: While unbuffered queries are more memory-efficient for large data sets, for small data sets, the overhead of managing the "streaming" of data could potentially use more resources than simply loading all the data into memory.</li> </ul>
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